Monday, July 26, 2010

It happened on Winnipeg Transit: the best apology ever

It started here: my "unique and local - " but not "daily" - apology.

As I learned when I colored over my grade-two classmate's artwork with a crayon: "I'm sorry" are the hardest words to say.

I recently experienced the best apology of all time, and - even better - it happened on a Winnipeg Transit bus, where everything that's important in this city happens.

The more I tell this story, the more people seem to enjoy it, so let's give it another whirl here, shall we?

The infraction

After a hard day's work last semester - is there any other kind? - I got on a Winnipeg Transit bus, and, out of the blue, some guy started yelling at the back of my head.

I turned around, and there was a disturbed-looking guy in his mid-20s, who was pissed - I guess - because I got on the bus before him; I'm still unclear on the details.

So, I gave him my best give-me-a-break look and sat down at the back of the bus, where I watched him harangue everyone else on the bus for the duration of my journey.

"You: stop lookin' at me funny!" Etc, etc.

On my way out of the bus, I decided to give him some unsolicited advice: "If you were nicer to other people, maybe they'd be nicer to you."

The advice surprised him, and I made sure I got off the bus quickly before he had a chance to respond with an insult. So what if the bus was still going 60? Totally worth it.

I figured that was the end of it.

The apology

The next day, I got on the bus and - surprise! - there was the same guy sitting at the back.

I noticed too late, so I was already committed to sitting near him and couldn't turn back, lest I give him some more ammo to shout at the back of my head.

I sat down, opened up a book, and prayed he wouldn't talk to me. But of course, it was only a matter of time before I heard:

"Hey. Hey you."

I looked up at him and he continued:

"I just wanted to tell you that I was having a really bad day yesterday. And I'm very, very sorry I yelled at you and insulted you. Baldy."


  1. Wow. Did he really call you baldy after apologizing to you?

    I find that the best way to avoid talking to people on the bus is to be listening to music before getting on the bus. Most of the time, people see that you're listening to music, and understand that you don't really want to engage in conversation. Luckily, I've never been yelled at on the bus.

  2. He did!

    I just burst out laughing. What are you going to do at that point.

    The weird thing is that I actually think the apology was sincere!

  3. Ha!! I'm left in suspense...what was your response to his "apology"?

  4. lol!! Well I'm glad you let him know the truth. If you go around giving out negative energy all day its exactly what you get back. He needed to hear that and may be a much nicer dude now because of you! :)


    You must be like....a rude person magnet or something.

  6. Jessica: I didn't respond. I just kept reading. It became much funnier after I thought about it!

    Graham: enjoy the show!


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